Tired of Then Start Threaded
Discussions in Resolvit
In Slack you start with a thread. As more topics appear, the conversation turns into chaos.
In Resolvit you start with a threaded discussion. As you move forward with the conversation, you add new threads to keep order.
Move a discussion forward until it is resolved
Your goal is to resolve the threads. As threads in Resolvit are focused on the particular topic, you can complete them faster. When the threads are resolved, they are removed from your side.
So it is then easier to focus on those threads which are required to complete the discussion.
Get only super-relevant notifications
You can follow threads that are interesting for you. When you follow these threads, you get notifications as they are updated.
As threads are focused on a particular topic, notifications are super-relevant
Keep track of your discussions
In Slack the conversations are all over the place, and it’s hard to follow them. In Resolvit you can see a list of discussions that are active or resolved.
So it is easy to get an overview of the ongoing, what needs attention and what has been decided